Aperitivo Nonino Sour
Mixologists of Maritani, Monfalcone - Italy
Aperitivo Nonino Sour: The iconic Nonino Botanical Aperitif meets sour for an even more citrusy, fresh and thirst-quenching cocktail.
5 cl. L’Aperitivo Nonino BotanicalDrink
2 cl. lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
1.5 cl. liquid brown sugar
Three drops of vegetable Foam
Twist of lemon or lime or season fruit as garnishing
How to
Fill the tumbler with ice cubes. Shake the ice with L’Aperitivo Nonino BotanicalDrink, the lemon juice, liquid brown sugar and some drops of vegetable foam. Pour into a tumbler glass and garnish with lemon or lime or season fruit.