Nonino Sweet Sensation
Mixologist Daniele Dalla Pola, Nu Lounge Bar, Bologna - Italy
From the fantasy of Daniele Dalla Pola, mixologist in Bologna, a winning cocktail that joins the sweet and spicy taste of pomegranate and ginger with the soft and long lasting taste of the Monovitigni® Pinot e Malvasia.
4 cl Grappa Nonino Monovitigni® Vendemmia
1 cl pomegranate syrup [grenadine]
1 cl centrifuged ginger
2 cl pomegranate juice
1 dash of love…
How to
Put the pomegranate syrup, the centrifuged ginger and the pomegranate juice into a mixing glass full of ice, add the Grappa Nonino Monovitigni® Cuvée Vintage Dated. Mix quickly.
Pour into a mini tumbler. Serve with an ice ball and a lemon twist.