Nonino ‘Westside’ Story
Mixologist Francesco "Renga" Neri, Fresco-Cocktail Bar, Ravenna – Italy
A modern "Grappa-Cocktail", born from a journey, made of encounters, the result of new schemes, where the fruity elegance of Grappa Monovitigno® Moscato is inebriated by the complex but successful interplay of sweet and bitter notes, for a romantically fragrant and aromatic Drink.
4cl. Grappa Nonino Monovitigno® Moscato
2cl. Amaro Nonino Quintessentia®
2cl. Lemon juice (fresh and filtered)
1cl Honey Syrup (of Acacia, 2:1 with Water)
1 dash “Peach Bitters”
1 small handful of fresh mint leaves
2 Twists of Nonino GingerSpirit (to give fragrance)
1 round slice of dewatered lemon as a decoration
How to
Shake energetically all the ingredients, mint included, and then filter through a fine strainer in a previously cooled “Old-Fashion” type glass. Add ice to fill. Decorate with the (dewatered) Lemon round slice and perfume with two sprays of Twist Nonino Ginger Spirit.