Rosa Tiepolo
Barman Andrea Scubla, Best Western Hotel Là di Moret, Udine - Italy
8 cl Champagne-type Ribolla Gialla
4 cl Dop Apple juice
1 cl Blackberry syrup
5 drops of raspberry mash
0,5 cl Rose syrup
1 cl foam of ÙE® Nonino Monovitigno® Fragolino
For the foam of ÙE® Nonino Monovitigno® Fragolino:
2o cl ÙE® Nonino Monovitigno® Fragolino
100 gr water
50 gr sugar
0,5 cl albumin
1 cl glucose syrup
6 gr fish glue
4 egg albumens
warm working, put into a half liter siphon and let it cool.
How to
For the foam: warm working the ingredients, put into a half liter siphon and let it cool.
For the cocktail: shake together the blackberry syrup, the rose syrup, the raspberry drops and the apple juice.
Filter the whole in a flute (tulip-glass) with a strainer.
Add the champagne-type ribolla stirring delicately.
Let two drops of blackberry syrup fall on the bottom of the flute and fill with the ÙE® Nonino Monovitigno® Fragolino foam.
Decorate with rose petals and a lime skin spiral.