Sophisticated Lady
Mixologist Daniele Dalla Pola, Nu Lounge Bar, Bologna - Italy
A cocktail for who loves making experiments with taste matches, based on Grappa Nonino Monovitigno® Moscato infused with fresh strawberries.
4 cl Grappa Nonino Monovitigno® Moscato infused with strawberries
[put some strawberries to infuse for 10 days, then filter in a bottle]
1,5 cl St. Germain liqueur
1 tsp. licorice
1 tsp. dry lavender
1,5 cl agave nectar
2 cl fresh lime juice
How to
Shake all the ingredients and double strain in a cocktail glass.
Add a dash of Angustura and garnish with a licorice stick a strawberry and mint.