Giannola and Benito honorary citizens of San Giorgio della Richinvelda!
We are happy and moved to see our commitment and love for our Friuli recognized by the new generations. In 1975 we established the Nonino Risit d’Aur Prize – gold vine shoot – with the aim of saving, promoting and having the native Friulian vine varieties in danger of extinction officially recognized by national and community bodies (Schioppettino, Pignolo and Tazzelenghe later joined by Ribolla Gialla). Those were times in which talking about the rural civilization was not fashionable, the contrary, but as we wanted to distil Grappa Monovitigno® from these vine varieties we had no choice but to protect them and ask for community recognition because due to an absurd law they had become illegal.
Today, seeing that they are the flagships of Friulian viticulture we are filled us with joy!
This citizenship is particularly significant for us, because San Giorgio della Richinvelda is the municipality of Rauscedo, the home of cooperative nurseries and capital of the Barbatella (vine-shoot)!
We sincerely thank Michele Leon for this unexpected and wonderful acknowledgement!