Grappa Nonino & Simone Caporale at the Bar ConventBerlin
On 8th October from 15:30 to 16.15 at the Taste Forum B, on the occasion of Bar ConventBerlin, Grappa Nonino and Simone Caporale will meet at the educational “Nonino Story of a Passion – Be Brave Mix Grappa”.
Antonella Nonino will guide you in a multisensory journey to discover the story, the fragrances and the tastes of Grappa Nonino, the artisanal grappa. White grappa, barrique aged grappa and grappa Riserva will be present for tasting to let you know all the shades of the most ancient Italian distillate, grappa.
Simone Caporale will speak about the versatility of Grappa Nonino with a surprise cocktail.
Antonella and Simone are waiting for you!