“The language of Gianni Brera who redeemed sports from marginalization” from Repubblica 18th December 2017 by Stefano Bartezzaghi
The Nonino Family remembers Gianni Brera, unforgettable journalist and writer, but first of all, a true and great friend: he joined the Nonino family and remained in our hearts! Few days from the 25th anniversary of his death, we remember him not only for his talent as a journalist, curious about the world and about life, but also for the great friendship that bound us. A member of the Jury of the Nonino Prize, since its first edition – 1977 – together with Mario Soldati, the president, and among the others Giulio Nascimbeni, Father David Maria Turoldo and Luigi Veronelli.
We still feel moved when we read his words published on Repubblica on May 25th, 1985 dedicated to the Nonino family: ‘The homage of a whisky drinker to Giannola Nonino’s snob distillate and precious bottles. Grappa for ladies with all my heart (…)’