Let’s toast the New Year with a Grappa Nonino cocktail!
Since 2007, with the first Nonino Grappa cocktail competition, the Noninos have made Grappa mixologists from all over the world fall in love, astonished by its versatility to prepare cocktails.
Here is some advice by the most famous bartenders in the world to mix Grappa Nonino and toast to 2023 with the right “spirit”!
1) A LOT of taste in a little of Grappa!
Simone Caporale on the occasion of the Masterclass held at BCB with Antonella reminded how, when mixing Grappa, it is vital to ponder over the classic mixing proportions. Grappa has great aromatic complexity; even small quantities give cocktails an explosion of fragrances and tastes!
2) Simplicity is the key.
Joerg Meyer demonstrates that for a wonderful grappa cocktail, few fresh ingredients are enough … Grappa must be the true protagonist of the cocktail!
3) In company it is even better!
Certainly, using excellent quality Grappa is fundamental, but the best cocktail is the one you drink with the right company!
The star of mixology, Charles Schumann, in fact shares his creation with Antonella and all the friends of Grappa Nonino!
And now it’s up to you!
We’ve selected some very good and simple Grappa Cocktails for you to taste, click on their name and discover the recipe:
Grappa Basil Smash
Nonino Sour