Pordenonelegge and Nonino on the tracks of Ungaretti
Last February there was the first stage of the 2017 edition of “Pordenonelegge il territorio (Pordenone reads the territory)”. Accompanied by the writer and historian Alessandro Marzo Magno, 60 guests coming from the whole region came to visit the Nonino Distilleries in Ronchi di Percoto. To take them here, the itinerary conceived to discover the “Villages of the war and verses”, that’s to say the places of Giuseppe Ungaretti, soldier and poet in Friuli, who few kilometers far from our Temple of Distillation – more precisely, in Santa Maria la Longa – composed three poems bound to upset irreversibly the writing of the Twentieth Century, among these the extremely famous “Mattina (Morning)“.
You will discover the report of the visit in the article by Michela Zin published on the taste magazine Fuocolento